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BOS Minutes June 7, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 7, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Selectman Colbert was absent.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Mr. Gil Vien

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Vien came to the Board of Selectmen with concerns regarding the Trustees of Trust Funds.  Mr. Vien is a member of the Trustees of Trust Funds.  His concerns are the Chairperson never asks for help nor does she share information with the rest of the members.  Recently a letter was received from the Attorney General’s office regarding the late filing of the MS 9.  Mr. Vien was under the impression that at March 29, 2005 meeting with the Selectmen and the Trustees that all reports were current.  Mr. Vien was under the impression, and is so stated in the Minutes of March 29, 2005, that the Levitt Cemetery account being held at Citizen’s Bank was closed.  However, in the mail, just recently the Trustees of Trust Funds had received a check in the amount of $200.00 and does not know why.    Mr. Vien also stated that he is unable to locate any paper work and that the Chairperson takes home correspondence and anything else that is sent to the Trustees.  

Selectman MacCleery read the e-mail from the Attorney General’s office, which stated in part “I (Terry Knowles, Attorney General’s office) has put the 2003 and 2004 reports on diary for July 1.”  Meaning the Trustees of Trust Funds has been given an extension to file the MS 9 for 2003 and 2004 until July 1, 2005.  

Chairman DeBold said that he had contacted Attorney Terry Knowles regarding the letter that was sent by Ms. Audrey Blodgett, of the Attorney General’s Office regarding her letter that was sent regarding the Attorney General’s office not receiving the reports.  Chairman DeBold read his e-mail to Attorney Knowles and her response. In part, she said the letter that was sent out by Ms. Blodgett was in error.  She said that the new computer software the Attorney General’s office uses automatically sends letters out when documentation is missing.  Attorney Knowles said when she is working with towns she stops those letters from going out.  Apparently, she missed the letter that was sent to Chichester.  Also, Chairman DeBold stated that Attorney Knowles said that things were progressing well.

Mr. Vien told the Board that Pamela Stiles went to a workshop that was taught by the Attorney General’s office with respect to the duties, obligations and structure of the Trustees of Trust Funds.  

Patty will send out a memo to the Trustees of Trust Funds to schedule a mandatory meeting with the Selectmen for June 14, 2005.  Also, Patty will contact the Attorney General’s Office to see if she can get a manual regarding the duties, obligations and structure of the Trustees of Trust Funds.  

SUBJECT: Chief Mike Paveglio

HIGHLIGHTS: Chief Paveglio met with the Board regarding a Grant.  Chief Paveglio said that he found on the FEMA website an application for a SAFER Grant for full-time firefighter/EMT.  He said he will put the application in for three (3) full-time firefighters/EMT.  He said if the Town of Chichester is eligible for the Grant and if the Town receives the Grant, the Grant will pay the salary of the full-time firefighter/EMT as follows:  1st year 90%; 2nd year; 80%; 3rd year 50%; and 4th year 30%.  Chief Paveglio stated the deadline for submittal of the Grant is June 28th, 2005.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:    Patty discussed with the Board a phone call she received from a resident.  The resident was upset because they had to pay a fee for ambulance service.  They felt that a resident of Chichester should not have to pay for ambulance service.  The Board understands this situation and sympathizes; however, the Town does incur expenses that must be paid.  This is standard procedure.

Patty discussed with the Board an issue regarding a piece of property that is owned by Mrs. Anne Fournier.  Mrs. Fourier told Patty that she did not own the property.  According to the records at the Selectmen’s office, Mrs. Fournier does own the property.  Patty will write a letter to Mrs. Fournier.

Chairman DeBold asked Patty to write a memo to the Building Inspector regarding Window Depot.

Selectman MacCleery discussed putting out a Request for Proposal for heating fuel.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he thought the library wanted to be part of the proposal.

Chairman DeBold stated that he had spoken to Attorney Matt Serge, Mr. Serge is covering for the Town Attorney, Bart Mayer. Mr. Serge informed Chairman DeBold that the Settlement Agreement between the Town and Mr. Mullaney has not been signed by a Justice.  Mr. Serge stated that he and Mr. Mullaney’s attorney are working diligently to have the agreement signed by a Justice.  

Selectman MacCleery, while reviewing the invoices found an invoice for winter sand.  He wanted to know if bids were sent out for the winter sand.  Also, Selectmen MacCleery stated that the Road Agent had traded in the chainsaw for a new chainsaw.  He stated that he thought before any department trades in Town equipment, the department head should come to the Board of Selectmen first.  Chairman DeBold was in agreement.  Chairman DeBold suggested that the Selectmen consider establishing a policy for the disposal of the Town property.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  
Minutes of May 31, 2005 were reviewed and signed.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 9:45 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

_______________________________                         Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert